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macOS: Reset Launchpad Apps Order

زمان مطالعه:2دقیقه
خلاصه مقاله:‌
  1. From the Finder, select “Go” > “Utilities” > “Terminal“.
  2. Type the following command, then press “Enter“.
    • defaults write com.apple.dock ResetLaunchPad -bool true; killall Dock
متن مقاله:‌

The Launchpad in macOS helps you access applications quickly. If you decide you want to reset the Launchpad apps where they appear in their default order, you can follow these steps.


  1. From the Finder, select “Go” > “Utilities” > “Terminal“.
  2. Type the following command, then press “Enter“.
defaults write com.apple.dock ResetLaunchPad -bool true; killall Dock

The Launchpad apps will then be refreshed to their default state.

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تاکنون نظری ثبت نشده است.
زمان مطالعه:2دقیقه
اطلاعات مقاله
نویسنده:علیرضا تحریری
تگ‌ها: #Reset Launchpad Apps Order #Reset App Order in mac #macOS: Reset Launchpad Apps Order #How to reset apps order #Reset Apps Order #Reset Apps Order macOS #How to reset app order in mac
تاریخ انتشار:پنج‌شنبه، 05 مرداد 1402
تاریخ بروزرسانی:پنج‌شنبه، 05 مرداد 1402
لینک کوتاه: https://mimoc.ir/a/10017

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