بخش جدید "شماره شبا" در وبسایت به صورت رسمی فعال شده و هم‌اکنون برای همه کاربران در دسترس میباشد.


مشاهده آهنگ
مشاهده تمامی آهنگ‌ها

متن آهنگ

آهنگ Owl City - Always (انگلیسی)

[Verse 1]
When the road is long
And your strength is gone
Remember I am just a prayer away
When the way is hard
And you are faint of heart
Remember I am just a prayer away

Hold fast, I'll guide you through the night
And fear not for I am by your side

Listen through the rain
And you can hear the angels say
Help is on the way
The moment you begin to pray
When the thunders roar
You don't need to be afraid
I'll lead you through the storm
So please remember when I say
I'm with you always

[Verse 2]
When you are worn out
And you are let down
Remember I am just a prayer away
When every door is locked
And you feel so lost
Remember I am just a prayer away

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Hold fast, I'll guide you through the night
And fear not for I am by your side

Listen through the rain
And you can hear the angels say
Help is on the way
The moment you begin to pray
When the thunders roar
You don't need to be afraid
I'll lead you through the storm
So please remember when I say
I'm with you always

Come and walk with me, yeah
Come and talk with me, yeah
Soar on eagles' wings
Run and I'll be there

Listen through the rain
And you can hear the angels say
Help is on the way
The moment you begin to pray
When the thunders roar
You don't need to be afraid
I'll lead you through the storm
So please remember when I say
I'm with you always
I'm with you always

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خواننده:Owl City
Children's Music
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آهنگ انگلیسی
زبان آهنگ:‌انگلیسی
سال انتشار:2018
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